Like any start-up project, we need to move carefully and plan with superhuman precision. Now that we’re past the mock-up stage and circulating Production samples for review and comments, we’re planning on beginning manufacturing in 2023. As of now, we’re in pre-launch. We’re arranging for manufacturing assistance and doing our best to keep costs down.

We’ve created a way to help get the word out about our Kickstarter launch during the start of the start-up process. We’re sponsoring an exclusive T-shirt survey. Participation in the survey combined with the results of our Kickstarter launch will help us decide when to move up from a small capacity manufacturing partner to a higher capacity vendor who may also be able to handle shipping responsibilities.

It’s almost a certainty that we will launch on Kickstarter. We’re researching possible marketing partners that will help to increase our volume right away so that we can keep the price as low as possible. With enough partnership interest, we might be able to sidestep the need for crowdfunding our initial manufacturing costs. But that’s a long shot. Kickstarter may be the best way to get the word out to a large number of potential buyers very quickly. In that case, your taking the T-shirt survey will enable us to notify you when that goes live. If you’re totally convinced that you want a T-Pillow as soon as they’re available but aren’t interested in taking the survey, you can simply add yourself to our Kickstarter launch email list.

When you’re on that list, we’ll be sure to share new announcements with you. We appreciate your interest and enthusiasm more than you’ll ever know.

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